The 5 kg sample pack was shipped Oct 4, delivered on the 10th. I knew immediately this was old coffee as there was no coffee aroma at all. Roast dates: Aug 14 (By the Bay), Aug 24 (Elements), Sept 7 (Sydney Road) and Sept 21 (After Dark). Single origin had no date or label, so no idea what it was. Complained to DiPacci and was shipped an undated, unlabelled bag of beans. Beans were extracted over a 10 day period from date of receipt, beginning with oldest. (64 mm flat burrs, E61 group, 1:2 ratios, everything weighed. By the Bay was flat and stale, little better than grocery store coffee, unlike my previous experiences with this blend. Elements fared little better, with the normally flavourful, rich crema blend being almost impossible to dial in, as it lacked both qualities, and tasted bitter no matter what I tried, leading me to wonder if they had also changed their blend. Sydney Road and After Dark were both quite acceptable, and both single origins were non-events. Overall, the 5kg pack was a disappointing experience from a large company that could pride itself in being able to roast and ship nearly immediately. I’m looking elsewhere for fresh roast, as this is the second time this has happened, though previously it was only one old bag.