Wow look what has just landed in our showroom
Now these are hard to come by pre-owned
The 2 Group Expobar Elegance With Built In Grinder,Only 15 amp
Looks great and makes awesome coffee
Very easy to use and cheap to service and maintain.
Perfect for a small to medium sized cafe
It also has a built in Commercial Rotary Pump So you can make coffee anywhere there is a 15 amp power point and it will draw water from a bucket so no need for a mains water connection Good for a Resturant,bar,pub,club,school,office, Coffee cart,coffee van,weekend markets and pop up cafes or even for the home barista.
Has gone through a 60 point saftey check and has been fully serviced by our on-site technicians and ready to go.
Price includes a 3 Months Parts warranty
So you can purchase and save with ease of mind.