The Bodum KENYA coffee maker is available in this 8 cup (1 litre) size or the smaller 3 cup (350m1) size.
the Kenya bills itself as a hybrid between tradition and modernity! The chrome-plated steel look makes this a great option for making a great cup of coffee. It is easy to use and yields a delicious result quickly. The maker allows for extraction of the most essential oils from freshly ground coffee and leaves barely a trace of sediment.
Simply add ground coffee, pour well temperated water, stir, wait 3-4 minutes and by gently and evenly depressing hte lunger you stop the brewing. It's just that easy.
The chrome-plated body keeps it durable and attractive, the plastic handle and base offer good heat protection for any surface. The Kenya will allow you to taste, smell and savour the full flavour profile of your favourite coffee!
For the comprehensive step-by-step instructions, click here.